
June 13, 2020

An Extra Helping of Grace

I bought a pink gaming keyboard on a whim. Yes, I am not even a gamer but I got enamoured by two things: 1) it lights up beautifully, and 2) it's a lovely pink shade. And so it has inspired me to start putting my thoughts down into paper (virtually) again. 

I was surprised to see that my last entry dates back to 2016. I wonder why I ever stopped writing when it sustained me over many years in the past. Life happened between that last entry up to the present. 

What major events happened between then and now?

1. I moved to a different government agency after working in the Department of Finance for 6 years. I was given the generous opportunity to work at the Office of the Vice President. 

2. At the Office of the Vice President, I had the chance to lead an office transfer at the nick of time because we were trying to get ahead of the "Ghost month", spearhead a leadership development program for high-potentials (this was such a meaningful project),  run organisational development interventions, live through an ISO certification process, and a bunch of other stuff that I never thought I would be able to do at work. 

3. I was able to attend a Prayer and Life Workshop (PLW) mid to late 2019 which ignited something in my prayer life. The past years were a bit of a struggle between many things and while I never abandoned my faith, I was experiencing lukewarmness and something like a dry spell. Attending the PLW gave me that nudge I needed to rediscover and re-experience my faith, this time in a deeper, more personal way. It was a good opportunity as well to further build some friendships. 

4. I was fortunate to be able to travel with friends and family. I love discovering new places but most of all, I love the moments I share with those who are dear to me. 

5. Early this year, I took a big leap when I transferred to an e-commerce company. The fast pace is something that challenges me and its startup nature teaches me a lot of things. Good thing I just found out that Learner is one of my natural talents. ;-)

6. Then the Covid-19 virus struck until it became a full-blown pandemic. Lives dramatically changed as lockdowns are enforced, new routines are adopted, and there is always a sense of anxiety and fear over the uncertainty. 

As I look back over the past years, I realise how much grace I have received from God. Not just in terms of material blessings and opportunities that God has been so generous with but all the times that His grace worked through my life. In every moment, every encounter, He was right there. And I am incredibly grateful for everything. 

I look forward to writing once again and being able to share a part of my life to others as I view my life this time through the lens of God's faithful grace. 

Be blessed!


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